Wednesday, October 20, 2010

BoogaBooga Land

My kids and I were given the opportunity to watch Adventures In BoogaBooga Land the other evening. I have a nine year old son and twin five year old sons, so getting all of them to sit down and watch a show is no little feat by any means. But this show did manage to capture their attention the entire time. And we all sang the catchy theme song for days after watching the show. The premise of the show is to show several Biblical parables in the life of Marty and Gerard. My five year olds enjoyed some of the silly scenes and in general enjoyed the shows. My nine year old watched the show with us and said, "okay....what does this have to do with God?!?" So the Biblical lesson is a bit on the subliminal side. After I explained it, he got it. All in all, we give this movie 3 thumbs up and 1 thumb down.

Now back to the adventures in boogabooga land.......

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