Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My 10 year old and I read this!

So I decided to read this book with my 10 year old son in the evening right before bed. Some nights we could not stop reading. It is a very exciting and suspenseful book, and my son and I both enjoyed reading it. I love that there are graphic novels with a purpose. My son loves to read the Yu-Gi-Oh graphic novels, so I feel a little better when he has something like this to read.

This book (which is the 3rd in the series) follows Sadie and Saskia Dopple and their friend Erik Morrisey Ganger on another fun-filled adventure. You can check out all of the DoppleGanger series here. I absolutely love the books ending. It includes new beginnings and a look at the past. It is definitely worth reading with your kids. Here is a glimpse at the closing conversation.

"Do you think they listen to what we say?"

"And when they get it wrong, do we try again?"

"But doesn't it make you angry?"
"If you had ever been one of them, you would understand."

"Look what they did to you."

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